Common Questions about Studio Membership
- How does membership work?
- Can I share my membership account with another family?
- What lessons are included in Studio LITE?
- If I subscribe to Studio LITE and decide I want to switch to a different tier will I be able to?
- What art courses/lessons will be included in Studio LITE Year Two Cycle?
- Why do you limit the membership openings?
- What are the bonuses that I’d be forgoing if I choose Studio LITE?
- What is the difference between Studio LITE and Studio Premium?
- I want to join your art membership, but I don’t want to set up a PayPal Account.
- What ages of kids/families should join?
- Do you offer a guarantee?
- Are there tiers in between Studio LITE and Studio Premium?
- Is the membership for homeschoolers only?
- What is Studio LITE?